I couldn't begin to describe this experience, but I was there, Saturday night, 7:30 to 11:30. Phenomenal. Franco Zeffirelli set. A small lcd panel at my knees to instantly translate the Italian libretto into English. The entire night was a sensory overload of wondrous proportions. Five intermissions. Floated back to my hotel past the beautiful Duomo, near to midnight. A pack of thieves could not have pried my playbill from me, which by the way looks just like the one below. Anyone have a frame?
(These are not my photos but they will suffice.)
Ironically the older I get the more I like modern art! How weird is that? And also weird to find myself so clearly in the last photo!
It's beautiful. I love it here.
One of my incredible nephews is in a concert tomorrow night in Ann Arbor where he will play his violin. What I wouldn't give to be there to hear him - be assured that he will be absolutely brilliant!
He's the brightest of stars ...
He's my sweet nephew Mark
Happy Valentines Day to my dear family and friends - sending you a big hug and lots of love! xo
It's Sunday Night. The weekend was too short. The week will be too long. I just finished dorm duty and it's nearing 11:30 pm. I needed to find something pretty to post tonight ... here it is! I took the details from the rooftop of the Duomo in Milan ... rose pink marble. These floral motifs were small and so beautiful. There were many of them, as in MANY of them. Imagine the work involved and this such a miniscule part of the architecture. Small wonder this cathedral took almost six centuries to build!
Here are my seniors in one class from yesterday afternoon. I not only teach them, I live with them. Consequently, I confess,  I pretty much love them all. You can see, they are plenty cute!
This hotel was beautiful, I loved it, a converted convent from the middle ages but so quietly fashionable, elegant and ultimately French. Couldn't help adding some treats here and there ...
Grrrr! I had to take the train back up the mountain tonight after Student Council and I nearly froze in just a 10 minute walk from school to the cog ... also the pipes burst in our building this morning - what a bevy of workers descended on the place!
This is the cog tunnel 5 steps behind my building. I love watching the cog come chuga chugging through. It's bliss to know that within 5 minutes of seeing it, I'll be on and headed straight down the mountain to Aigle, the station to anywhere! lol
Cog tunnel from an unsteady hand!