I cannot believe I made this bowl - the first one went flying off the wheel in a fright, but my second turned out great! The instructor said to plan to throw everything out from our first lesson ... so I was elated with this! Back at it again on Sunday ... who knows I may be able to drop my day/night job yet!
My competition - actually the child of another student - cute but not near as cute as my Wee Alex and soon to appear Wee Curlytop!
Finally met wee Maeve last weekend, she was 5 days in these photos. She is beautiful, peaceful and oh so tiny. Obviously Jessica and Eli are beyond ecstasy over her!

One of my classes will start Gabriel Garcia Marquez tomorrow - what joy to be teaching him and what a treat to find this breathtakingly beautiful video. I have been watching it repeatedly and cannot get enough of it!

I made this slideshow two years ago - Katherine and Andy have seen it. I updated it a bit to use for my classes today, most of whom did not know why the poppy symbolizes the war dead. If you use the link, it will take a few minutes for the clip to upload, and then you need to click at the top VIEW SLIDE SHOW. It should work and I hope you like it. The music needs to linger a bit at the end but ... it doesn't. I used "Farewell to Funeray" by Tannahil Weavers which I think reflects the tragedy of war. So sad, to think of all the lives lost, including our own uncles Lawrence and Alexander.
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Jessica and Eli had their fist baby - a girl - on Sunday night - they went to the birthing clinic in Aigle (just down the mountain near the castle) at 8 in the morning and Maeve was born at 8:30 that evening - they were home at midnight! I'll see her this weekend and post a photo then! I am so excited to see her.
I love to look through my photos of Madeline, Alex, Iris and Ella. Right now I'm finding the ones I want to put up in frames and it's so hard to choose, I love all my photos of my four, soon to be five beautiful angels.
Here they are .. some of my students dressed up for Halloween. They are all adorable, sweet girls.