Just back from 9 days in Marrakesh with my dear old friend Robert -he was a perfect travel mate and moved us through the Moroccan Maze with his spiffy French. However, his request for my olive oil conditioning treatment somehow translated into a disastrous hair straightening. I was not resilient enough to  'ooh la la' the misadventure but am no worse for the hair, I mean wear. Here's a bit of a recap of our time together and my very first video clip in here so I'm quite excited! Turn on your volume because I have a track copied from Robert's music quest in the souk ... I love it and hope you will too! xo
Arrived in Morocco 2 days ago ... so far so islamic!
The winds have been howling, the snow nonstop as trees have fallen through the night. Power has been sporadic and it's still treacherous outdoors ... hopefully we can get down to the village tonight for our faculty party. These are photos I took this morning .... I think Andy will especially like them. It is exquisitely beautiful but too easy to fall off a cliff so I am not venturing past the front porches.
I spent my Sunday morning in Paris (2 weeks ag0) strolling the window displays which were great fun because each store had a ramp for the little ones to view everything easily. It made me wish so much that I had Madeline, Ella Rose, Iris and Alex  - they would have all four loved the displays and most of them either moved, danced, or at least made music! Oooh la la!!! Notice Karl Lagerfeld, the white haired fashion designer - these displays were in December Vogue.
.. is coming our way!
Am very proud that I uploaded 8 photos that I took today and then exercised some moderation by removing 6 of them -  it is OH so pretty here!
Looking out my window this morning ... and tons more snow is predicted for this week. The school has bus transport for the kids to the airport on Friday and Saturday but are now going to ask the train to set up some extra carriages as we may not be able to get them out by bus.
Alex and Iris sent me these little blue snowflakes for my window which I immediately put up yesterday - note how much less snow there was! I love my window now! Notice the bit of orange red on the post - it's a snow marker and they are all over the place - this is a time for avalanches with fresh new snow and 6 people were killed in one near here last week.
We are soooo lucky to have two amazing Aunt Jessies - Aunt Jessie Murphy and Aunt Jessie Tobin! Today is Aunt Jessie Tobin's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY & HAPPY YEAR TO COME!
Aunt Jessie is so special to us all. When I was young I remember thinking that no one could ever replace my Grandma Boyd, but over the years I came to realize that Aunt Jessie is Grandma in many many ways. She has all the gentle kindness, loving family spirit and happy energy that Grandma had. We are so lucky to have both our beautiful Aunt Jessies and today to celebrate this special occasion. If only we all had more time together. This Friday Jessie leaves Boston to visit Kathy in Florida and Johnny will meet them down there a little later. Have a wonderful holiday Aunt Jessie, Kathy and Johnny!
Glendale where Jessie was born (well actually Maple Brook) along with my dear dad and the rest of their siblings: Hugh Frances, Lawrence, Alexander and Loretta.
Hugh Francis and I took a slow ride through Maple Brook last summer and this was a pretty spot that Jessie will probably recognize.
Here she is feeding Iris at our beach house a couple autumns ago.
One of my fav photos - Jessie, Iris, Sarah, Alex with beach creepy, Josh, and last but not least our own Prince Johnny!
Sarah with her Beloved Aunt
What's not to love!
Aunt Jessie walking the beach with Wee Alex
Another great photo of a happy holiday