I have passed this beautiful castle many times on the train when I take a day in Vevey to wander or on my way back and forth to the airport. It's magical and my photos do it no justice because it was raining torrents on the day I chose to visit.
Although the majesty of this spot is obvious, it really only became famous when Lord Byron visited and carved his name into one of the columns.
First chance I will return. Wouldn't you?
My beautiful little grand daughter is 3 today! I can't insert a photo since IT has still not mended my laptop but as we all know, like her mom she's beyond beautiful!
Unfortunately when I took my laptop to the IT department for updates a few weeks ago they totally screwed up my iPhotos, so I have been unable to post anything.
Today when I saw Sarah's adorable video on her blog I thought I could try putting some video in and I took a few seconds of my class today. It was a fun relaxed class on a Friday before a big week of Cultural Trips. I had the students create something in 2 or 3d to represent their vision of The Book Thief. Some of their work is absolutely beautiful - I printed out origami plans and many of them cut and folded stars, flowers and little puppets. They worked so well and so intensely, I was so proud of them.
Note the adorable boy in the purple sweater who is from Jakarta and brought me a bundle of Indomie today from the box his mom just shipped to him. His name is Benedict. The boy with the dark curly hair behind him (reminds me of Andy) asked me recently if I had noticed he has a girlfriend this year, his first girlfriend and how happy he is to be in love. It brought me close to tears. His girlfriend is probably the smartest girl in school and he struggles for every grade, so she must be an inspiration to him ... oh these sweet little lives!
Now let me see if I can get this video to work - if I do you can plan for better quality next time, this one was just from my laptop and is shaky because I removed myself from chunks of it for your viewing enjoyment lol! Happy Weekend Everyone!