Barcelona needs to go on your list, on everyone's list - I loved this city! It is huge and exciting and wonderful! I'm going to simply start with Gaudi's cathedral. No I didn't go in - the temperatures were close to 100 and to wait 2 hours in line not this time ... but I'll go back! When I came around the corner and beheld the cathedral spires, my eyes filled up. I have looked at books of Gaudi architecture for years, but nothing could prepare me for the power of this explosion of genius and inspiration.
Love at first sigh and sight! Alas its magic cannot be captured in photos! And I only have a few from the newer side.
Greg and Cathy - be prepared to be swept off your feet!
Before Gaudi was handed his engineering degree, the university chancellor remarked that he wasn't sure whether they were giving the degree to a genius or a madman.
A worker asked Gaudi if the cathedral would ever be finished and he replied "God has all the time in the world".
I thought I was bursting with joy to come home last night from a fabulous week in Barcelona, but it was nothing compared to my elation when I saw in Sarah's blog that she is going to have a new wee nephew - which means I AM GOING TO HAVE A NEW WEE GRANDSON! I think of Alex and heart be still ... another gorgeous little boy! And with our gorgeous little girls? How lucky can a nana be?
Summer School took a big trip to Zermatt. Having been there long ago, I wasn't quite as excited as many but still it was beautiful although packed with tourists and very pricey shops and eateries. I went to the museum and learned about the tragic 1856 ascent. What cheered me however was the story of a 90 year old guy who trekked to the summit. There's hope for me after all!
These photos are not mine but I used them because they are exactly what I saw.
My camera was in my backpack but I never removed it because somehow I ended up with a cute little waif from Azerbaijan who seemed a bit lost and friendless. She was hesitantly adorable and I spent most of the afternoon with her, learning a good deal about her country. She's coming to my classroom this week so I can show her how to download Glee - which she had never heard of but I know she will love. I think I have a new little friend from old big Russia!
Zermatt is pretty and very friendly to tourists. Maybe that is why a sign had 'horn' crossed out so that it read instead of Matterhorn: Mattermoney?
One American actually ascended in 2 hours - an Olympic record. Most climbers take 7 to 9 hours. I'd prefer to gaze upon it with a glass of nice red in my hand rather than a nasty rope.
Sleek red trains, like everything else in Switzerland sparkling clean, zoom on a precise schedule constantly. Clockwork takes on real meaning here. So does cleanliness.