The nicest Italian taxi driver took me from my hotel to the Bristol train station, the morning after Italy trounced England. I asked him how he liked living in England and he said it had been fine until the game and that now no one was talking to him except for when they absolutely had to, and that they spoke "under their breath with stinging, pungent words at me". It was so hilarious a description but I felt sorry for him too. I told him the Italian players were way cuter than the English which made him laugh but I'm not sure he felt any better.
Sparky was on one of my trains with his 89 year old mum who was going to her 90 year old sister's birthday party in Newcastle. The three of us had a great time chatting and I was able to whisk their luggage off the train where they had to make a connection. If I had a normal life, I would have a dog like this adorable little guy. Woof Woof!
Every place I went they were surprised that I was not a man ... JEAN is a guy over here, hands down. If I start spelling my name Jeanne you will understand. Had a good laugh when I turned on the tv in my Bristol hotel room.
Happy Birthday to the sweetest, most thoughtful and generous cousin ever! Thanks for all you do and all you are. Thanks for holding my hand during tough times and for all the fun we had in London and up north and all along the way ... I am so lucky to have you in my life.  xoxo
Meeting Bonnie Spino, my dearest childhood friend, in beautiful Carlingford Ireland set between Dublin and Belfast. Joyous and fun-filled Week! It's windy and rainy but we are still having a wonderful time! I am so disappointed I missed taking photos of Ernie and Katy but the few hours we had flew far too quickly.