What can I say?  Lucky Lucky Me!
What can I say?  Lucky Lucky Me!
Can hardly wait to get to Philly and board that Jenkintown Express! Left at 5:30 am from school and it's now 15 hours (I nearly wrote years) later and sitting in DC Dulles waiting for the Philly flight due to a missing cabin crew member. Am ready to go after him/her myself at this point! lol
This is how I imagine he will play hockey some day, if not ... already! He's certainly off to a great start ... see you this summer Luke! xo
I don't know if he'll like it and I'm sure he's tons better but I thought this was a great presentation of tuba playing ... what do you think Hugh1? xo
I only wish it were in French which Mark is studying, but no matter, it's still hilarious, especially if you are an iPad disciple! The clip is about a daughter asking her father how he is managing the new iPad she bought him for his birthday...
Public Oratory Reaches a New Low? First Snooki and now Christi? Next ... Goofi?
These photos aren't very compelling but the Chagall was a beautiful little gallery. Trying to find it on foot was not easy but I felt better when Eli and Jessica later told me it was even worse for them. Definitely worth the pilgrimage. I could have stayed here all day but my flight was in the afternoon.
The kids read the Russian novel WE by Yevgeny Zamyatin upon which Orwell based his 1984. It's hard reading but they loved the book. To finish up we did a "tableaux vivant' and here's what one class produced. I think it's pretty cute, even though the narrator didn't pronounce 'heretic' correctly.
I love soaps from the weekend Italian markets. In this photo I placed what I call "mansoaps" next to a regular size so you can see how maNmoth they are. Loaded with olive oil and herbs, they smell amazing! These two are for Andy and Josh that I'm bringing back for Spring Break. I probably should have picked some up for Mark, Hugh1, Luke, Jim, Alex and Hugh2 as well now that I think about it - next excursion for sure!