Back to Italy, which is much more exciting than my exams this week. The first island from Stresa that I visited was Isola Bella. Isn't the name alone so beautiful?
This little guy was on the train with us returning from Italy .. he kept looking over and smiling at me. He was so adorable!
Agonized over Madeline throughout the night and all of today because having my tonsils removed remains a dreadful childhood memory. Imagine my delight over the good news from Andy - she came through the surgery fine and is now recovering under the loving care of her mommy and daddy. My heart is bursting with joy to know she is well. I would give anything to hug her right now!
Off the coast of Stresa there are three islands: Pescatore, Isola Madre and Isola Bella, all on Lake Maggiore.

This is where I stayed in Stresa, at the DuParc which was only a few hundred meters to the main avenue on the water and all the boats to the islands. The restaurants were amazing and the people so friendly.

These photos are of the hotel which was old fashioned, a family business and charming. I have been wanting to find a nice little place that's easy to get to during the year, and this may be it.
This is SOOOO BEYOND OVER THE TOP THRILLING! I have the names all set! For a girl ... Jean Boyd and for a boy .... Jean Boyd but you'll have to move to Quebec. YAY YAY YAY!!!
Went to Stresa this weekend on Lake Maggiore which is this side of Milan. Toured three beautiful little islands off the shore. I am not a bird person but these white peacocks were quite gorgeous. Many of the flowers were in full bloom and most especially we were lucky to find the wisteria at its peak. These estates were built by the Carlo Borromeo family, one of whom became a saint. I'm guessing he bought it. In the family portraits some of the children wear little papal robes.