I ran out of time to post all my March Spring Break so thought I'd continue now that I have a little lull and if you my dear followers do not mind ...
From Dubrovnik we drove north through Bosnia (quite amazing) and along the coast until we reached a crossing for the island of Hvar, highly recommended by everyone with whom we spoke. It was well worth the detour on our way to Split. In fact we absolutely loved every minute of our time there.
Lining up on our first and I think only cloudy day at Stari Graad ferry terminal
That's us the last in line
All Aboard!
Leaving the harbor I would have loved to know the history of this abandoned boat
Brilliant Sail
Eli.To know him is to love him. Completely.
Once on the island of Hvar we thought it was completely remote
Until we saw some signs which of course meant nothing - if only Leigh Ann had been with us!
Aaah here we go - no island is complete without one of these!
Can never resist
The palm trees were lovely, the island was lovely!
Croatia gives new meaning to bell towers!
Could anything be more charming than this?
Water crystal clear
Back to the plaza
This is where we stayed - found a beautiful little hotel. The owner was bigger than life and gave us wine, cheese and lavender (home grown) when we left.
Me behind our little hotel and at a tiny church
Picked up a few postcards here for Mark, Hugh, Luke, Jim and LEIGH ANN!
I loved these shutters
Using modern window treatments in a way that doesn't interfere with the integrity of such magnificent windows.
Greg where are you? Isn't this superb? Do you think he gets lonely at times?
A Profusion of Balconies - Everywhere!
Driving back to the port for our return to the mainland. Croatia Rocks!
Happy Birthday to a brother who shares most of my best (and worst!) memories of youth! I love you with all my heart and soul and I'm really glad Father Malcolm didn't talk Mom and Dad into naming you Bede!

For those of you who know my brother, you'll agree with what comes to mind when I think of him: adorable, good looking, smart, artistic, musical, intelligent, hilarious, wild, crazy, wonderful, loving, gentle, sensitive, articulate, passionate, compassionate and soulful. (Just like his eldest sister lol) I am always happy when I'm with Greg. (everyone is actually!) He makes me laugh in a way no one on earth can. For the many blessings in my life, he is right up there at the top. I am so lucky.
.. and wishing you the Happiest Year ever!
Is this not the epitome of classy elegance - yes this is my brother!
.. one of his best buddies!
.. Salzburg - one of his favorite cities.
He loves poetry and gave me a great collection by Billy Collins.
Greg is a connoisseur of single malt - inherited from the previous generation!
Lots of tales to be told about his rise to popularity in the infamous Gremlin!
This is where we went to school and Greg used to carry Sister Petra's books back to the convent, after she had clobbered him and pulled his hair of course.
I'm pretty sure this is the copy of Beethoven's Fifth that my dad played and which made a huge impression on at least most of us. It certainly lured me into classical music in a poignant way and I think for Greg too.
Saint Francis Xavier scooped him to Antigonish Nova Scotia but couldn't make a saint out of him, fortunately!
You will never hear funnier toilet repair stories than my brother can tell. Guaranteed. (This guy is not my brother by the way.)
He also has a pretty priceless one about changing the history of gas pumps.
the woman he adores.
With thanks for all you have done and all you do, dearest brother, to light up my life with your own special magic! Happy Birthday!
... just the facts mam! And that is a fact. I do. I do. I do.
Annecy is a most beautiful ancient little town in France, only 45 minutes south of Geneva. A small group of us left last week (Oxford was two weeks ago) on Friday after school and came back on Sunday night. Most everyone loves this town because, like New York City, it has something to offer everyone. Well maybe NYC isn't the best comparison. You'll see from the photos it has the beautiful medieval ambience and a gorgeous lake which is supposed to be the cleanest in Europe. I loved Annecy. Pinch me.
This is one of the most photographed little castles in Europe. We had breakfast two mornings at its corner canal. I had to restrain myself not to take a billion photos of it!
Afternoon lighting is so romantic but oh this town doesn't rely on light only.
I love the profusion of bikes in every town we visit and they always have the right of way.
flowers - everywhere!
Lovely at night too!
This could have been a beautiful photo but I couldn't hold the camera still enough.
I would imagine every town in France has its lovers' bridge - this beauty belongs to Annecy.
It is also their offering to iron craftsmanship in the 19th century.
Imagine living here!
Gorgeous parks surround Lac Annecy
There is an explosion of incredible emotion I always feel when I see my little Madeline, Alex, Ella and Iris. When I saw these flowers I felt a bit of it, they were simply stunningly heavenly!
Makes me want to be a gardener!
Come on, how could I resist another photo?
How Medieval can a town be? No more than this!
Lovely Lake! These are little remote control toy boats (like the cars) with their owners lined up on the dock maneuvering them!
Sorry - can't help myself.
Inside one of the city gates this was perhaps a trifle over the top but still cute.
Thankfully I travel with fellow gellatophiles!
Hotel du Lac, (Booker Prize 1984) by Anita Brookner, became one of my all-time favorite novels long ago, thanks to a beloved Bronte sister.

Never in my wildest imagination did I expect to find the hotel, let alone visit! I had suspected it was located on the French island of Yvoire but no, it is only an hour away from my front door.

It took all my energy and effort to sit at the Hotel du Lac yesterday afternoon with a cup of Earl Grey and not explode with happy incredulity. It was also painful to be without the one who had introduced me to the world of Edith Hope.

(My photos are poor as I had to surreptitiously take them - this is not a typical tourist hotel)

Naturally I began the book again when I returned last night and finished it this afternoon. (Jackie - read and weep for joy, then get your ticket to Geneva so we can go together!) And for anyone else who is charmed by this, a personal tour can be arranged! xo
The lounge area and further down a beautiful sitting room reminiscent of the opulent Dharmawangsa in Jakarta, only in an older European style. Notice the baby grand in the corner - the player came in full tux and was playing the likes of Eric Satie. I was the only one really listening so when he'd finish a piece he would look to me and I would soundlessly clap and he would wink.
Looking into the garden dining room which was much lovelier than it appears here. All the windows faced Lake Geneva.
The flower arrangements were breathtakingly gorgeous. I am going back in the fall and spend a night to match the time period of the novel. I am hoping a Bronte sister will join me.
The hotel is on a grander scale than I had imagined. The location is beautiful with the lake behind it. Charlie Chaplin, Jacques Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Graham Greene, Dostoevsky, Le Corbusier, James Mason and Henri Nestlé, founder of Nestlé all lived here at some point. Amazing eh?
Not a very pretty copy but it's only the cover, what's inside is what counts yes?
This has always been a dream  - classes at Oxford - beyond amazing. I was in heaven!
Arriving in what could have been a Periodic Table Cab
Yes ... so beautiful!
How could one not become brilliant in these surroundings?
The Magic Door - Oriel College - Me!
In the morning light
Where we ate our meals and where I saw my old friends from Caracas on these steps - Carolina and Betsy!
I have no idea why I love old stone carvings as I do but when I find them and gaze upon them I always feel like I'm with my Sweet Bro Greg - can't explain it really.
One of the gardens in Oriel - my class was through the large archway
Another beautiful building
The Main Hall from the garden
Gates looking upon one of the other colleges
A morning stroll with pretty light - those are Solomon columns - I discovered their name at one of the cathedrals I came upon in Ecuador
Not too shabby for my little camera
Captured in the setting sun
I think I was born in the wrong century
May these architects revel in heaven where they belong to have left us such a legacy
Classes on Sunday morning of Easter so I got myself a ticket and had my own service at the Oxford Town Hall that Saturday night - heavenly!
Wasn't easy to say goodbye - maybe I'll have another chance, why not, I never thought I'd be this lucky!
The light could not have been more perfect, nor the three days of life there.
No I didn't ride the bus, I walked enough to have gone around on this thing all day but I love these buses and remember Sarah in Bath telling the driver she'd take the Japanese headphone for our tour - then telling the guy she was fluent when we got off an hour later ... so hilarious my Sweet Sweet Sarah.