I love this castle. Leonardo spent about 17 years here working for Duke Ludovico Sforza. And of course, the last pieta of Michelangelo ...
The art collection at the Sforza is incredible - Michelangelo's last work (unfinished) The Pieta Rondanini is there, and this beautiful bronze is only a few feet away ...
Enough is Enough! I know the east coast is getting hit with storms too - hey it's almost May after all. Depressing!
So I've gone back through my photos to jazz up my evening and decided this was sort of cool to post from the Modern Art Gallery of Nice a few months ago - a wild blue dress made out of recycled plastic water bottles?

Funky eh?
School is over the top with work these days ... I am exhausted. If I had a car I would be AWOL .... no doubt about it!
Aaah such memories in this old computer which I bought in Jakarta, shipped to Venezuela, and now to Switzerland. Even though it's probably come here to die, I had to bring it over, old friend that it is. While going through my files, I came across this cute one that my students at ECA in Venezuela did for me when I returned to Michigan for dad's funeral.Actually his anniversary was this past week so I've been thinking of him an extra lot. These kids were so sweet when they found out what happened. The boy in the background, Raphael, is now at Notre Dame and writes regularly. He'll be famous some day because he's got to be borderline genius and loves every thing from literature to physics, plus he's completely adorable. Nat and Gabi are darling too although I've lost touch with them. All three are from Salvador and they convinced me to go there when I went to Brazil. I was so glad I did. And if I hadn't, well they were never going to talk to me again, lol!
We got snow ... unbelievably ... we got snow! REAL SNOW! Three INCHES of snow! Is this crazy or what??? Ulur Ulur (snow god) go back where you belong!
(not my photo)
Not even an Easter Yodeler in sight but spring flowers are poking up around the woods!
Happy Easter Everyone! xoxo
No wonder I was sad leaving!